in my closet | pt. 3 out with the old

If you've been reading along this month, you know that I'm in the middle of a major closet overhaul. I'm committed to living with less these days, and that means going through the house and getting rid of the things we don't use and love. My closet is actually the easiest place for me to start because these are decisions I can make without consulting anyone. Those of you who know Nick may know that he has a harder time parting with things than I do! We love him anyway :)

So here's where I've been: I started with the initial purge of my clothes, shoes and bags in my closet (HERE) and then I went through my jewelry drawer and kept the things I still wear and/or love (HERE). Now it's time to get rid of all of those purged items. Everything is still embarrassingly (and annoyingly) sitting in a bin in my tiny closet. I'm over it and ready to chuck it all out the window, but I'm trying to be patient and do "more with less," right? I have a lot of great maternity clothes which are still in pretty good condition, along with some regular items that I don't use anymore but which might find a welcome home in someone else's closet.

So... I'm giving myself one week to sell what I can and then I'll donate what remains. I'm pushing the boundaries of my comfort zone with this plan, but hey - if I make a few bucks, that's just fun-money toward some new items for my now-streamlined wardrobe. 

First-things-first: I went through everything and separated it all into piles by category: accessories, maternity tops, regular pants, maternity dresses, etc. 

Now I'm pricing things - either by group or by individual item - and adding a little note if there's something particular to that item. I knew these old 3 x 4 Project Life grid cards would come in handy someday (they don't fit the new page protectors!).

If I can muster up the motivation, I have a two-pronged plan. We live on a military base and the base has a "buy / sell / trade" Facebook group where people who have access to the base are constantly listing things to sell: kids' clothes, electronics, etc. It's kind of like a Craigslist for people who've passed a background check and can access a federal military facility :)

Anyway, I'm considering first hosting a garage-sale or something like that for a couple of hours Saturday morning to get rid of as much stuff as I can. I'll use the Facebook group to advertise for free. Then, I'll use the group to list what remains. Anything still here next Friday goes to Goodwill.

I've never done anything like this - never hosted a garage sale, never really sold (or bought) much of anything second-hand. But it seemed wasteful (and lazy of me) to just chuck it when I have a great - and safe - resource for selling it right at my fingertips. I'll let you know how it all works out!